Saturday, November 06, 2004

Just thoughts

Okay, let me see if I can explain this right. Have you ever been in a situation that was horrible, but that you thought with some hard work you could make better? You knew the situation was horrible, you doubted it would become better, but you still had that hope, and stayed in that situation indefinitely to work towards the hope. Then when that situation ended were you bitter/hurt?

Then another situation came along and it was good. Heck, it was GREAT! Near perfect. And you wondered how on earth you had put up with the first situation when this second situation was out there waiting for you. Did you reflect back on the first and think "thank the lord I'm not in that situation anymore and thank the lord I'm in this one"? Did you see people in similar situations to your first situation and want to scream, "No! No! There's a better situation out there for you!"?

And then did you get scared that your second situation wouldn't last?


At November 15, 2004 at 1:13 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow. Yes I have. And like you mentioned, I see people in similar situations and want so desperately to explain that there really is happiness out there, they just have to step outside their current situation for just a minute to see things more clearly - from the outside in. But that minute terrifies them and they stay put. Meanwhile, all I can do is be blissfully grateful that I'm in that 'second situation.' Every time I try to reason with someone to allow themselves the step up, they think I'm being holier than thou or a know-it-all. Why can't we all learn from others' mistakes? *sigh* I think people just have to live and learn for themselves. Meanwhile, you and I have to just hold our breath and hope they land softly.


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